Options for Protruded Teeth
Posted by writeradmin
I have teeth that stick out a bit. My dentist is suggesting snap-on smile, but I am hoping for something more permanent. I know I could get braces, but I’m hoping not to go that route either. I’m sure I sound insanely picky. I just want to get a pretty smile and am hoping that won’t include three years of metal on my teeth.
Dear Franny,
I am glad that you wrote. Your dentist’s suggestion of using Snap-on Smile is not a great one. You mentioned having protruding teeth. Because Snap-on Smile fits over your teeth it will make them stick out further. There are a couple of permanent solutions to this issue. The first is Invisalign (pictured above). It uses clear aligners to straighten your teeth. They are invisible even at a conversational distance.
Invisalign uses a sophisticated software program that will design the treatment for you. That will help you to complete your treatment in about half the time as traditional braces. They also have a side benefit of being able to double as teeth whitening trays. This will allow you to straighten and whiten your teeth at the same time.
A second option is to get porcelain veneers. These will not actually straighten your teeth, but it will make them look straight. This is the procedure people go to when they want a complete smile makeover. It can change anything about your teeth, including the shape, size, and color all at the same time.
While almost any dentist can do Invisalign and teeth whitening, you will need someone with significant post-doctoral training in cosmetic dentistry to do your porcelain veneers well. Smile makeovers are not taught in dental school. If you decide on this option, make sure you go to someone who offers a beautiful smile guarantee.
This blog is brought to you by Mt. Dora Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Michelle Stillman