541 N Donnelly St,
Mt. Dora, FL 32757
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Is A Cracked Porcelain Crown a Dental Emergency

Did An UltraSonic Scaler Damage My Porcelain Veneer?

I had porcelain veneers placed. Everything seemed fine. Then I had my teeth cleaned. They used a magnetostrictive ultrasonic cleaner. Within a few days, I had two porcelain veneers fracture. Both were lateral incisors, if that makes a difference. Is this a common problem? Are certain ones worse for porcelain veneers than others? This isn’t […]


Is A Cracked Porcelain Crown a Dental Emergency

I’ve had six porcelain crowns for about twelve years. One of them has always had a small defect but had not been a problem. You could not even see it with the naked eye. Something has changed. Now I can see it with the naked eye as well as feel it with my tongue. The […]