541 N Donnelly St,
Mt. Dora, FL 32757
Image of woman smiling

Will Invisalign Work with Missing Teeth?

Options for Protruded Teeth

I have teeth that stick out a bit. My dentist is suggesting snap-on smile, but I am hoping for something more permanent. I know I could get braces, but I’m hoping not to go that route either. I’m sure I sound insanely picky. I just want to get a pretty smile and am hoping that […]


Lumineers for a Tooth Gap?

I need some advice. I have a rather large tooth gap. My dentist mentioned about 9 millimeters. We were going to do snap-on smile. We’d done all the planning and my dentist sent the order off. Then, we got a letter from the company saying that I wasn’t a good candidate. So, now he is […]


Am I Too Ancient for Invisalign?

I spent most of my life in poverty. As a result I never was able to go to a dentist and I certainly couldn’t get braces. Now that I’m 67 years old I finally have some money. The first thing I did was get my teeth checked. I was sure they would be a disaster, […]


What Should I Do About My Nephew’s Smile?

For my nephew’s graduation gift, I told him I would pay for him to get Invisalign. He was thrilled. His dentist is trying to talk him into switching to Lumineers because he said his smile could be whiter too. It is a lot more expensive. A LOT! I want to do what is best for […]


Finishing Invisalign After Moving?

I am on my last set of aligners and will need to move to another state before I finish with them. I need some advice. I was supposed to go back to my Invisalign dentist for a retainer once I was finished with my treatment. However, this move was unexpected and rather urgent. My mother […]


Options for a Crooked Front Tooth

I don’t feel like I’m getting the best advice from my dentist. I have one crooked front tooth, but it is pretty bad and is a bit behind my front tooth. Here are the options I’ve been given: 1. Braces – totally makes sense, I’m just hoping to avoid being a metal mouth at my […]


Moving in the middle of Invisalign treatment

I just found out I am being transferred and it will happen in the middle of my Invisalign treatment. It’s going well so far and I really don’t want to stop. What do I do in a situation like this? Do I just ask my dentist for the rest of the aligners or do I […]


Does Invisalign Fix Misalignment?

I am starting to have doubts about my dentist. I told him I wanted to straighten my teeth with Invisalign. He said it doesn’t work for misalignment and wants me to get traditional braces with an orthodontist he knows. It may be that he is right and I’m just disappointed because I was really hoping […]


Will a Dental Flipper Make My Teeth Look Straight?

I have some crooked teeth that I really want to look straight, but I am in my 40s and feel I am too old to get braces. I’ve heard that a dental flipper can make my teeth look straight. Before I go invest in this with a dentist, can you tell me if that is […]


Will Invisalign Work with Missing Teeth?

I have two missing bicuspids and one missing back molar. I would like to straighten my teeth with Invisalign but wondered if it would work with all of my missing teeth, which make me feel like I should be up in the Ozarks playing the banjo. I also have a slight underbite. I would like […]