Mouthwash for Porcelain Veneers
I had porcelain veneers placed and really like them. I want to take the best care of them I can. I’m have been told over the counter mouthwash can be bad for them, but I am a pretty regular mouthwash user. I’ve come up with a recipe for some homemade mouthwash and just wanted to […]
Do I Really Need Invisalign Before Porcelain Veneers?
I am wondering if I am confused about something. I thought that getting porcelain veneers could remake your smile on its own, even making your teeth look straight. I had planned on getting ten porcelain veneers because I have a wide smile. One of my front teeth is a tiny bit crooked, but really not […]
Did An UltraSonic Scaler Damage My Porcelain Veneer?
I had porcelain veneers placed. Everything seemed fine. Then I had my teeth cleaned. They used a magnetostrictive ultrasonic cleaner. Within a few days, I had two porcelain veneers fracture. Both were lateral incisors, if that makes a difference. Is this a common problem? Are certain ones worse for porcelain veneers than others? This isn’t […]
A Cavity on a Porcelain Veneer
I have a porcelain veneer that has developed a cavity. My dentist is saying the best thing is to remove the porcelain veneer and then replace it with a dental crown. Other than a small cavity at something called a margin, the tooth is healthy. Is a crown really necessary? Janet Dear Janet, I am […]
Inflamed Gums After Porcelain Veneers
I had four porcelain veneers placed on my upper front teeth. Since then the gums of those teeth have been inflamed. The hygienist suggested this has never been a problem for them and it is more likely that I am not brushing them properly. I will admit this sort of ticked me off. I’m an […]
Will Porcelain Veneers Stain?
I recently got a set of porcelain veneers. I love them and want to do the best I can with them. I’ve tried to quit smoking but have had no success. I am worried that these will cause my veneers to stain the way they do my natural teeth. My dentist said I won’t have […]
Should I Be Worried About My Porcelain Veneer Repair
I had two porcelain veneers placed on my front teeth. I thought they were great though, admittedly, I only got to look at them for a short time. When I got home I noticed that one of them had a horizontal scratch across the front. I called the office and they scheduled for me to […]
Don’t Let a Dentist Talk You Into 360 Veneers
I am a bit confused by my smile makeover. My dentist told me he was giving me 360 wrap around veneers. I was a little worried that would mean he’d grind down my teeth but he told me there would hardly be any tooth structure gone. While getting the temporaries, they kept falling out but […]
Should I Have Gotten Porcelain Veneers While Pregnant?
I just found out I am two months pregnant. I am thrilled, but am having a moment of panic. About a month ago, I had porcelain veneers done. I had no idea I was pregnant at the time. On a list of things my dentist gave me about things to avoid during pregnancy was cosmetic […]