541 N Donnelly St,
Mt. Dora, FL 32757
Image of woman smiling

She Needs a Different Dentist

Getting a Dental Implant When You Have a Metal Allergy

I have an allergy to mercury, nickel, and cobalt that was determined through an allergist. I can’t wear jewelry, unless it is very expensive and doesn’t contain any of the materials I listed. I can’t wear anything with metal buttons or snaps either, including jeans. Thankfully, leggings have come into fashion because I finally have […]


Will I Lose This Dental Implant If I Keep Trying to Get it to Match?

I had a dental implant put on a lateral incisor. The problem I am having is with the dental crown that covers it. I’ve had the dentist re-do it three times, none of which have matched my other teeth. My dentist said, I am being overly critical and I should just be grateful. Apparently, the […]


How Can I Keep My Face From Collapsing with Dentures?

I have recently been diagnosed with a severe calcium deficiency. As a result, my dentist wants me to extract my teeth and get dentures. I had quite a bit of trouble with my teeth even though I brush regularly and go to the dentist. The deficiency probably explains that issue. I will be honest that […]


Can I Get a Dental Implant if I Have Diabetes?

I lost a tooth and wanted to replace it with a dental implant. Unfortunately, my dentist said because I have type-1 diabetes that I am not a candidate. Is my condition really a contra-indication for dental implants? If so, what is the next best option for me? Benjamin Dear Benjamin, Having type-1 diabetes does not […]


Titanium Versus Zirconia Dental Implants

I recently read a natural news article that said titanium can cause neurological ill effects. I currently have two titanium dental implants and will be getting a third dental implant soon. Are zirconia implants safer? If so, should I switch my titanium implants out for the metal-free ones? Chandler Dear Chandler, I am glad you […]


A Case of Dental Implant Incompetence

I had to have a tooth replaced. I really wanted a dental implant. At first I thought everything went okay, but soon the implant felt a bit loose. I went to see my dentist who did the implant and he did an x-ray. He told me that the implant was fine and it was probably […]


Dental Implants Falling Out in Three Days

In total, I am having eight dental implants done. My dentist has already done six of them. After they heal, he is going to do the other two. Of the six that are already done, three of them fell out by the third day. I’ve already paid $10,200 for these and am expected to pay […]


Are All-on-4 Dental Implants Secure?

I’m currently considering an all-on-four implant for my uppers. I’m losing the last few teeth I have up there and I really don’t want dentures that move around or come out of my mouth. I’m told I have good bone levels, so that’s a plus. Looking forward to a nice smile again! I’m a little […]


Could My Dental Implants Have Messed Up My Sinuses?

I feel like a ping pong ball getting whacked between my doctor and dentist. I had dental implants placed six months ago. Before this, I never had any sinus problems. Since the procedure, my sinus problems have been non stop. My dentist insists the dental implants are not the problem and sends me to my […]


She Needs a Different Dentist

Can you help me with options? I do take care of my teeth, but they are constantly falling apart anyway. My dentist doesn’t seem to want to do anything except take them out and give me partial dentures, but I’m only in my late 20s. I shouldn’t be missing teeth! I thought there were modern […]