Tooth Infection and No Money
I have a tooth in the back of my mouth that is so infected it has my cheek swollen. I do not have dental insurance and have recently been laid off so I don’t really have much money either. I don’t know how long it is going to take for me to find new work […]
Porcelain Veneer Changing Color
My daughter had six porcelain veneers placed. Over the summer, she fell and had a minor chip to one of her front teeth. Her dentist sanded it down a bit to even out the tooth, but then the adjacent tooth had to be sanded as well. A week later we noticed a slight color difference […]
My Dentist Caused a Dental Emergency and Won’t Refund Me
I had a crown put on a front tooth because of a slight deformity. There was nothing wrong with the health of the tooth. A few weeks later, the tooth became very sensitive. My dental office said that was fairly normal after a crown so I didn’t think much about it. Because it was my […]
Is A Cracked Porcelain Crown a Dental Emergency
I’ve had six porcelain crowns for about twelve years. One of them has always had a small defect but had not been a problem. You could not even see it with the naked eye. Something has changed. Now I can see it with the naked eye as well as feel it with my tongue. The […]
How Long Can a Root Canal Be Put Off?
I’ve been told I need a root canal treatment but my last two paychecks have been pretty small due to an illness I’ve had. Is it okay to put it off for a bit? If so, when will I know if it is time to find a way to make it happen? Cameron Dear Cameron, […]
I’m Not Sure She Should Trust This Dentist
Can you help me? I’m worried about something a dentist told me. I just moved to a new area and don’t have a regular dentist yet. However, I had a toothache and had to go see a dentist. I found one who called himself an emergency dentist and got in fairly quickly. He did an […]
Antibiotics for a Tooth Infection
If you could help me I’d greatly appreciate it. I went to see my dentist because of a tooth infection. I was in a lot of pain. My dentist prescribed me some antibiotics. I did much better for a while. However, a few days after the antibiotics ran out, the swelling and pain started back […]
Missed Diagnosis Caused Him Unnecessary Pain and Trauma
I’ve recently had a nightmare of a dental visit and would love some advice from someone not in the area. I had my lower left back molar began to be sensitive to cold beverages and was sensitive even when I just touched it. I was new to this town so went to a dentist who […]
Will Decaying Wisdom Teeth Fall Out On Their Own?
I have teeth that are in fairly good shape, with the exception of my wisdom teeth. They are quite decayed. My question is, will they just sort of fall apart on their own? Most of them are halfway decayed. One is in bits and pieces. I’m in my mid-thirties so I assume that there are […]